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Mon - Fri 9:00am - 6:00pm
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01242 386 461
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December - March & June - October

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GMT +3 hours

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8 hours 30 minutes non-stop

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Ol Pejeta – at the forefront of conservation in Kenya

Lying majestically between the foothills of the Aberdare Hills and shadow of Mount Kenya, Ol Pejeta is a private wildlife conservancy located on a vast ranch in the heart of Kenya.

Covering 36,420 hectares, Ol Pejeta provides a haven for endangered animals and has one of the country’s highest predator densities outside the Masai Mara. Not only is Ol Pejeta the largest black rhino sanctuary in East Africa but is home to the last two northern white rhino on Earth. You can also see the endangered African wild dog, oryx, cheetah and bat-eared fox along with giraffe, hippos, zebra, and more than 500 species of birds including the Great Egret and Makchite sunbirds.

Ol Pejeta prides itself on being at the forefront of conservation innovation and still manages a successful livestock programme. Smart fencing techniques allow free movement of migratory wildlife. Activities you can enjoy within the conservancy include nocturnal night safaris, lion tracking, horse riding and getting closer to the nature with guided bush walks.

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