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01242 386 475
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Claudia Pinto Basto

Senior Travel Consultant

01242 386 475

01242 386 475

While Costa Rica may be known for its natural beauty and myriad of wildlife, this new experience provides you with the rare opportunity to connect with the people who have shaped this biodiverse Central American country for centuries.

With only eight indigenous groups still in existence, we have paved the way for you to spend time with these communities that live in the rainforest-clad Talamanca mountains to Guanacaste Province on the Pacific coastline. Today, about 2.4 per cent of Costa Ricans identify as members of these ancient tribal groups, with many keeping the old traditions alive.

During your visit you will get the chance to share stories and talk with members of the Cabécar, Chorotega and Bribri who live off the land and now work to protect it. As you will be joined by an interpreter you can ask families more about their rich heritage, traditions, use of medicinal plants and shaman rituals.

You will also get a glimpse of local life, with demonstrations on how to make artisanal chocolate or rosquillas. For those who want to roll up their sleeves you could help with the preparation of homemade bread.

After this half-day experience you will have a greater understanding of ‘pura vida’ (pure life) that has been passed down the generations.


Additional notes about the tour

Half-day tour

You will be taken to meet the tribe by a driver guide

The experience will focus on one of only eight remaining indigenous cultures in Costa Rica

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Call us on 01242 386 475