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Mon - Fri 9:00am - 6:00pm
Sat 10:00am - 4:30pm
01242 386 475
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Best time to go

November - June

Time difference

GMT -5 hour

Flight duration

11 hours

Fly to

Mexico City or Cancun

The gateway to an ancient world

A Chiapas adventure is a trip back in time to a more ancient Mexico. The landscape ranges from misty mountains to dense jungle. Howler monkey, jaguar and myriad bird species inhabit its lush valleys and lofty peaks.

The people here are equally fascinating, with an extensive indigenous population descendent from the Maya. Many still maintain close ties to their religion and customs. Defined as one of the most important cities of the Maya, Palenque offers a glimpse into the ancient worlds of times past. It creates a sense of being transported back to a lost era among the towering Ceiba trees and mythic gods of the Maya.

A favourite amongst Mexicans, San Cristobal de las Casas is laden with cobblestone streets, quaint cafes and lively markets. Located in Valle de Jovel, this attractive colonial town is enveloped by lush pine forests.

The quality of service and accommodation can be more basic than other areas of Mexico, but that’s all part of the experience on a tailor-made Chiapas tour. Our friendly local guides and network of contacts can be your gateway to this, the most enigmatic state in Mexico.

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