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Mon - Fri 9:00am - 6:00pm
Sat 10:00am - 4:30pm
01242 386 475
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Best time to go

November - June

Time difference

GMT -5 hour

Flight duration

11 hours

Fly to

Mexico City or Cancun

Walk in the footsteps of ancient civilizations

The Yucatan is a cultural feast of ancient ruins and colonial cities. The natural scenery is spectacular too with leafy rainforests, soft-sand beaches and shimmering lakes in deep underground caves. The region maintains its close Mayan ties, observed in its indigenous peoples’ dress, language, religion and cuisine. And our guides will help you to experience it all on our Yucatan holidays.

With the Caribbean Sea on its eastern edge, and bordered by Belize and Guatemala, the Yucatan Peninsula incorporates three states: Yucatan, Campeche, and Quintana Roo. Known as T'ho to the ancient Maya, Merida offers a stark contrast to the seemingly untamed heartland of these ancient civilizations. Narrow streets and shady parks provide a feeling of the old-world, as horses and carts traverse the cobblestone streets. It’s a great place to start your Yucatan tour, before heading to Campeche. Here you can wander the narrow streets of restored colourful buildings and colonial structures that helped it to become a designated UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1999.

For many the highlight of their trip is seeing the vast, ornate pyramids of the ancient Mayan temples thrusting skywards. Sites like Uxmal, Chichen Itza and Palenque provide truly evocative glimpses into the ancient Mayan world.

They’re sometimes shrouded in dense jungle that makes them all the more atmospheric.

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