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Mon - Fri 9:00am - 6:00pm
Sat 10:00am - 4:30pm
01242 386 467
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Best time to go

September - May

Time difference

GMT +2 hours

Flight duration

4 hours 50 minutes

Fly to

Cairo, Luxor or Hurghada

Visit legendary Alexandria with its echoes of the past

Known as ‘The Pearl of the Mediterranean’, Alexandria is the second largest city in Egypt. Embark on an Alexandria holiday and you’ll discover a city with an atmosphere that is more mediterranean than Middle Eastern. And that’s what we like about it: it’s only 225km from Cairo, but it has its own unique ambience and cultural heritage.

Founded by Alexander the Great in 332BC, Alexandria became the capital of Greco-Roman Egypt. Its status as a beacon of culture was symbolised by the legendary lighthouse – the Pharos. It was one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. The setting for the stormy relationship between Cleopatra and Mark Antony, Alexandria was also the centre of learning in the ancient world. But over the years, its influence declined and by the time Napoleon landed, he found only a sparsely populated fishing village.

While little of ancient Alexandria may have survived today, the city has become synonymous with commerce, cosmopolitanism and a distinctly bohemian culture. And we think it is as important to enjoy this unique atmosphere as it is to see those sights that remain.

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